Nothingness Beyond Blossom is a project rooted in a faded military borderland, the Isle of Grain in Kent, UK. As a coastline, it was the frontline of a large-scale military landscape. After WWII, the military landscape has gradually faded and has now become an industrial construction site. After repeated deconstructions of industrial and military infrastructures, the landscape of Grain is scarred by earthworks buried like memories in the land.
This project illustrates the devastation concealed by natural beauty in a lost land during bright summer days and exposes a war-less fantasy we believe in. Instead of taking the faded frontier of Grain as a landscape of nothingness, it can be transformed into a vehicle for countless war stories.
Nothingness Beyond Blossom explores conditions of absence and presence via a series of excavations, guided by on-site materiality and movement. This practice unfolds the contemporary war dynamic through a choreography of landscape memory embedded in the faded land. These excavations reveal the blurred traces of war ruins, etched into the blossom trenches of a transient summer.
A mapping study of traces of concealed military infrastructure in the contemporary landscape, showing tidal movements on the Isle of Grain.
A landscape book produced over the summer period, exploring the realm of the scarred landscape through material archives.
The intervention exposes the human body to hidden military traces in the landscape, recording points of contact through the marking of material.
The mapping shows the routes of intervention moving between presence and absence.
The intervention exposes the human body to hidden military traces in the landscape, recording points of contact through the marking of material.